Radio-Nuclide scanning is a non-invasive test, which uses a gamma scintillation camera or rectilinear scanner to images of the organs after an IV injection of a radio-nuclide. The scintillation camera or scanner detects rays emitted by radio-nuclide (usual technetium 99m pertechnetate (99mTc) and converts them into images, which are then displayed on an oscilloscope screen.
Normally, the radio-nuclide cannot infuse the blood-brain barrier. However, if pathologic changes have destroyed the barrier, the radio-nuclide may concentrate in the abnormal area. Immediately after injections of the radio-nuclide, cerebral blood flow can also be evaluated.
Indications (R-NS)
- To detect an intracranial mass or vascular lesion
- To locate areas of ischemia, cerebral infarction, and intracerebral hemorrhage bleeding
- To evaluate the course of certain lesions postoperatively and during chemotherapy.
- To find out the physiological impairments of organs
- To rule out bony metastasis
- Gamma scintillation camera, oscilloscope
- Radiopharmaceutical, tourniquet, 70% alcohol
- 19 G or 21 G sterile needle, 20ml syringe
Preparation of the patient (R-NS)
- Explain to the patient that this test helps detect functional abnormalities in the body
- Inform him he need not restrict food or fluids
- Tell him that he will receive an injection of a radioactive drug
- Inform him that, who will perform the test and the duration of the procedure. Till the patient that he may feel a slight burning sensation at the injection site
- Describe a scanning machine and explained that it will move back and forth close to his body and may make some noise
- Reassure him that the procedure is painless and that the radiation causes no danger to him or his visitors and should be cleared from his body within 6 hours
Post-Procedure care (R-NS)
- If a hematoma developed at the injection site, warm soaks may ease discomfort and aid resolution
- Documentation
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